Wuho Gallery group show image
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Continue ReadingThe Palette – a weekly email newsletter of the Santa Monica Cultural Affairs accepted two of my images for their masthead banner. Windblown and Full Moon Sunrise will be featured in the July 26 & August 2 editions. It was just such a gorgeous moment on my early morning walk but I was blown away when I downloaded the image Full Moon Sunrise, and discovered the perfect semi-circle of seagulls directly below the full moon, pure magic!
Continue ReadingIn May of 2011 I entered a show called “The Power of Self” in New York and one of the guest curators, Marietta Davis, a well known New York artist and photographer sent me an email to say: “Your portfolio is an intriguing interpretation of the self-portrait in the photography genre. I enjoy the creativity and experimentation in your use of reflections. I really like the chaotic composition and use of intense color. Your work is very strong and I look forward to seeing it progress even further!” I better get back to progessing quick!
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